Vendor Feature: Unlike Juliet

Do you ever worry that many of the guests at your wedding don't know you as a couple? Showcase your love story in a new way with personalized wedding magazines, designed by Betsy Jorgensen with Unlike Juliet. Here's how she got her inspiration! Enjoy! 


Photo courtesy of Megan Lily Photography.
When I was planning my own wedding, I realized that the majority of our guests would only know one of us, so I tried to think of something special I could do to remedy the situation. I happened to be taking a graphic design class at the time, and the week after our engagement, the class was given an assignment to design a magazine layout. That's when inspiration struck!
I spent all my free time designing a magazine that would let guests feel as if they knew us and our love story. We had a great story to tell, after all, and it was fun to create a lovely memento to share with our family and friends. Inside the magazine, we included the story of how we met, with both of our versions of the story placed side by side, how he proposed and an introduction to all the members of our wedding party. I even included an embarrassing photo timeline of each of us from birth to our engagement.
 Photo courtesy of Turquoise and Palm Photography.
We had only printed enough to place a couple copies on each table, but our guests loved the magazines so much, they started sneaking them into their purses.
 Photo courtesy of Megan Lily Photography.
Fast forward two years, and here I am, making magazines for couples all across the country looking for a creative way to share their love story with their guests.
The majority of my clients use their magazines as wedding programs, but I've also had brides mail their magazines to guests afterward as pseudo thank you cards. I do my best to make sure every couple has a magazine as unique as their love story. I design each and every magazine individually - I don't use templates. 
Photo courtesy of Trisha Marie Photography.
My advice to brides? Write down your love story. Whether in a journal, a scrapbook, or a custom wedding magazine, get those precious details on paper to cherish in the future!
 Photo courtesy of Trisha Marie Photography
If you'd like to learn more about Unlike Juliet's custom wedding magazines, hop on over to or We're hosting a week of giveaways to celebrate our new website. We'd love for you to join us!

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