Recipes for a Fun Date Night-In | LatterDayBride Wedding Blog

Written by Alyssa Roundy Phillips

There can be a lot of pressure around Valentine's Day to do something big or to plan the perfect date. Add the COVID-prevention measures into the mix and you may be left asking:

Is there anywhere we can go?
Is anything even open right now?
Will we be able to get a reservation?
Should we even go out? 


If you answered 'no' to any of these questions, then you are in the right place! We are going to take the stress out of Valentine's Day planning so you can get back to the most important part - spending time with the people you love! Here are some "recipes" for a Date Night-In to keep the love cookin'.



Grocery Store Sprint


1 significant other

A local grocery store


Step 1: Head to a local grocery store (like Walmart or Target) with your significant other. 

Step 2: Once you get inside, decide on a specific amount of time (10-30 mins). Split up and select items for your significant other using this list. (You can also refer to this video for an example!)

Favorite Color, Favorite Drink, Favorite Treat,

Something that reminds you of your SO, Etc. 

Step 3: Meet back at the front once the allotted time period is up. Keep your items hidden in their bags.

Step 4: Head home and reveal your items to each other! 



Homemade Pizza

Image from


A kitchen oven

Pizza ingredients (dough, tomato sauce, cheese and toppings)

A music speaker

1 significant other


Step 1: One person preheat the oven to 450 degrees while the other person turns on some tunes!

Step 2: SHAPE THAT DOUGH! Make it a circle, make it a square, make it a heart if you're feeling the love. Just roll out the dough and keep it a little more thick on the edges for that crust.

Step 3: Add your sauce and toppings. And don't forget about the cheese (AKA the best part)!

Step 4: Put those pizzas in the oven and set a timer for 15 - 20 minutes. Give your lover a kiss, or a high five, or whatever it is that you do. 

Step 5: Once your pizza is done, slice how you desire and eat up! 

**Optional: Get some brownie mix or make some cookies for dessert.

Step 6: Combine the delicious pizza with a spa night, movies or even play a couple games! After dinner, spend some great quality time together! 



Car Trunk Picnic

If you are sick and tired of staying in, but the weather is a little too cold for an outdoor activity, give this a try!

Image from


A car with a medium-large trunk.

Blankets, pillows, and any other miscellaneous soft stuff.

Food - and lots of it!


Step 1: Fill a basket with your favorite snacks, meals and desserts. Or, more realistically, go to your local grocery store and buy some of your fav foods. That way they will already be packed up into bags for you!

Step 2: Fold the back seats of your car down.

Step 3: Go to your bed. Pick up your blankets, pillows, comforters and any other comfy cozy thing you use to sleep at night. Put all of these items in the back of your car.

Step 4: Drive. Just drive until you find a pretty place. Maybe somewhere you can watch the sunset. Maybe somewhere you can hear the crickets. Once you pick your place, park.

Step 5: Open the trunk, hop in and ENJOY! Take in the view and have some fun basking in each others' company.



Date nights don't have to be restricted to Valentine's Day. Mix up an ordinary weekend with any of these ideas to renew the spark! Don't have a significant other? That's fine too! Grab some girlfriends or family members and recreate these fun and easy activities!


Happy Valentine's Day from LatterDayBride!

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